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Feb. 28, 2022

Everything about the ASHP Match and your chances

Everything about the ASHP Match and your chances

We're back from our break with a complete breakdown of the ASHP Match and a look at last years statistics. What is your chance of successfully matching with a program? What are your chances to get your first or second ranked program? We discuss all this and more.

Check our our new Website at postgraduatepharmacist.com and also check our our new line of merchandise at our merch store. You can also support us by buying us a cup of coffee by clicking the coffee cup on our website. We love brining you content and want to continue bringing you up-to-date, insider information so you can Separate and Stand Out in this competitive environment.

This episode’s take-aways:

  1. Match results this year is on a Wednesday, March 16th which gives you more time to prepare for Phase II
  2. There's no deadline for submitting Phase II rankings, so get those in AS SOON AS the opening on March 21st 9:00 a.m. eastern time.
  3. About 63% of people who submit rankings get matched and of those 80% are matched to their first and second choice.
  4. Match rate goes down significantly in Phase II with the post-phase II match (or scramble) having few if any programs available.

What should you do now?

Look at the dates:

  • March 4th, Rank order lists due
  • March 16th, Match results, SET THAT ALARM FOR 8:00 AM EST. At noon they'll release the Phase II unmatched positions
  • March 21st, Submit applications at 9:00 AM EST
  • April 6th, Submit rankings
  • April 13th, Phase II match results
  • After this it's every person for themselves! No rules for the remaining programs, can be offered at anytime.

Think about what you want to do if you are unsuccessful. Re-visit those short and long term career goals. Talk to loved ones and significant others.

If you felt uneasy about interviews then start looking at other career options, talk to your mentors. Message us with questions!

What should you do later?

If you don't match, put all those dates on your calendar so you know what to expect. Plan out how you will address writing new letter of intents and everything needed for Phase II.

What are your chances of Matching?

Check out the Match Stats

  • 7525 applicants in 2021
  • only 5895 submitted rankings of which 3741 matched. That's 63% of those who ranked, but 50% of those total (people who dropped out or didn't get interviews.)
  • 57% get their first choice program
  • 23 % get their second choice, 80% get their first or second choice
  • 282 positions were not matched in phase 1
  • Only 7% of applicants did not rank a program when that program ranked them
  • Our advice is if you don't feel good about the program, don't rank it, because chances are they didn't rank you or it would be so far down your list you probably wouldn't rank with them anyway.

Check out our website

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@ThePostGraduatePharmacist and leave us your comments or questions that we did

not answer.


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